A Corpus-based Diachronic Study on the Linguistic Variation of Corporate Annual Reports from the Real Estate Industry in China


  • Chaowang Ren School of International Studies, Guangdong University of Technology, China
  • Zixu Chen School of International Studies, Guangdong University of Technology, China
  • Wanting Huang School of International Studies, Guangdong University of Technology, China
  • Cannan Chen School of International Studies, Guangdong University of Technology, China
  • Rui Guo School of International Studies, Guangdong University of Technology, China


Annual reports, Industry Differences, Diachronic Changes


This project compiles a comprehensive corpus by collecting annual reports from Chinese listed companies over multiple years. Based on the characteristics of these reports, the study examines historical trends, industry-specific variations, and differences between Chinese and Western cultural contexts to identify key factors influencing the translation of annual reports in China. It conducts a multi-level analysis of these reports and summarizes the forms and distribution of related events. Tools like AntConc, WordSmith, and other corpus analysis software are used to examine the data. Finally, the study makes reasonable predictions regarding potential future trends based on the research findings.


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How to Cite

Ren, C., Chen, Z., Huang, W., Chen, C. ., & Guo, R. (2024). A Corpus-based Diachronic Study on the Linguistic Variation of Corporate Annual Reports from the Real Estate Industry in China. Journal of Asia-Pacific and European Business, 4(01). Retrieved from https://jhkpress.com/index.php/JAPEB/article/view/124


