The Worrying Global Economic Bubble in the Post-Pandemic Era — With Reference to the Public Management Reform Measures in the UK and the US
New Public Management Theory, Britain, USA, post-pandemic era, Covid-19Abstract
As two high-income economies with long-term stability and the largest gap between the rich and the poor, Britain and the United States have a more mature market mechanism, legal structure, supervision departments, intermediary organizations and high-quality civil servants; at the same time, they also have similar problems such as bloated institutions, centralised rights, bureaucratic style and low efficiency. In the face of the current new pandemic, both countries have been exposed to the problem of public budgets in the short term and the inability to balance the public interests in the long term. Therefore, based on the New Public Management (NPM) theory, this paper draws on the responses of the United Kingdom and the United States during the NPM period, and explores the patterns of these responses to provide some insights into the potential economic risks in the post-pandemic era.
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