A Corpus-based Study on the Corporate International Publicity Translation and Semantic Construction of Corporate Image
Corpus, Corporate image, Corporate international publicity translation, Semantic constructionAbstract
The corporate image and the national image influence each other. The corporate international publicity translation is closely related to the construction of Chinese corporate image. On the basis of defining the key concept and reviewing related literature, based on the self-built Chinese-English parallel corpus, taking 5 listed new energy companies from China as the research samples, this study uses the UCREL Semantic Annotation System (USAS) to examine the corporate image construction strategy that is hidden in the chairperson’s statements of corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports. The results show that there are 10 major semantic fields and 11 sub-domains of semantics used in the chairperson’s statements, and 5 types of semantics, namely evaluation semantics, business semantics, citizenship semantics, time-space semantics, quantity semantics, are strategically employed to construct a favorable and vivid corporate image. This study provides new insight for the publicity translation studies and enriches the content of China’s image research to some extent. It is expected to help Chinese companies to go global, and improve their international competitiveness.
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