
Publication Charges

When submitting an article to a JHK Press journal, the submitting author must agree to pay the publication charge minus any eligible discount (or request a waiver). After acceptance the article will enter the production cycle and the author will be asked to pay the publication charge for the journal minus any eligible discount. When final formatting corrections are made and the author approves their article for publication, payment of the publication charge must be received before the article will be published online.


Payment can be made by any of the following methods:

  • Credit card payment can be made online using a secure payment form.
  • Electornic payment through Paypal, Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle, Alipay, and WeChat.

Prompt payment is advised, as the article will not be published until payment is received.


When a payment request is sent to the submitting author, it means the article has been accepted with minor changes or without any changes or revision required for the article (manuscript). The payment is not refundable if the author can not meet the deadline to make the changes.


The standard publication fee for one article is $300 (USD).  JHK Press offers waivers and discounts to corresponding authors based in low- and middle-income countries.




Editorial process

JHK operates a rigorous and transparent peer-review process that aims to maximize quality. Peer-review is handled by researchers and scholars.

We believe that peer-review needs to be efficient, rigorous, and fair for everyone involved.

In most JHK journals, peer-review is a single-blind assessment with at least two independent reviewers, followed by a final acceptance/rejection decision by the Editor-in-Chief, or another academic editor approved by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the academic quality of the publication process, including acceptance decisions, approval of Guest Editors and Special Issue topics, and appointing new Editorial Board members.

When will you get the acceptance notification (letter) of you article?  Once we decide that the article requires minor changes or no changes or revision, we will issue an acceptance email through our Openaccess Journal System (OJS). If you need the letter and you do not receive the email after you make the payment, please send us an email. If you are in China and have more questions about the editoral process and payment, please visit our Frequent Asked Questions page.


Timeline/deadlines for the second issue of 2022 (for both CABTI and JAPEB). Submission: May 11, 2022; Payment: May 20; Revision: June 5, 2022; Publication: June 20, 2022.

A summary of the editorial process is given in the flowchart below.



Other costs

While submitting the manuscript to our Journal, the authors should be the copyright owner of the respective material and should not copy past anything from someone else’s work. The original work should be attributed in the form of citation. It is the responsability of the authors to assure that they are not reporting fake or fraudolent results under their authorship. The Editor in Chief will send the paper to international agencies (for example, TurnitinPlagiarism Checker X) for authentication of originality. The paper is first sent to Grammarly and Plagiarism Checker X for similarity check. The Journal will cover those costs and the author/s are not required to pay the simialirty check fee. However, if the Grammarly similairty report result is higher than 5% or Plagiarism Checker X is higher than 10%, then the paper should be sent to Turnitin and the author is required to cover the Turnitin cost.The journal only accepts papers with a Turnitin similarity index less than 20% (with the reference list deleted or excluded for similarity check).


The Journal does not offer free printing or physical journal issues shipping services. Authors are welcome to order them online.

Payment methods 

Zelle/Venmo/Cashapp (US bank): 7-0-6-2-8-9-1-4-2-0

LLoyds Bank: Sort Code 77-20-26, Account #: 67354568  Name: Zhengguo He

  • Alipay: jackhezhengguo@163.com 何正国

  • 2840 Warm Springs Rd, Columbus, GA 31904 (USA)