On the Translation Strategies of Culture-loaded Words Based on Thick Translation: A Case Analysis of The Grand Scribes Records (Selected Chapters)


  • Zhen Li School of English for International Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China (PRC)
  • Jie Lü School of English for International Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China (PRC)


thick translation, culture-loaded words, Shi Ji, translation strategies


Culture-loaded words (hereinafter referred to briefly as CLWs), as their names imply, are expressions that mostly present the uniqueness of culture. The translation of CLWs has always been one of the core issues in translation, and the dilemma of translation adequacy and readers’ acceptability has also bothered translators for centuries. Thick translation theory, stressing that translation is not so much a literal work than a process of cultural transmission, attaches great importance to cultural differences. Under such theory, this study takes CLWs in Nienhauser’s translation of Shih Chi: Po-Chi as a study object, attempting to find out how thick translation can be realized with respect to translating CLWs. Generally speaking, literal translation, sense-for-sense translation, a combination of different strategies, translation with footnote and transliteration are widely adopted in Nienhauser’s translation. When it comes to specific kind of CLWs, even a certain kind of translation strategy is likely to be realized by many different methods. This variation can be explained by three elements: the translator’s subjectivity, the degree of cultural difference and the degree of contextual default. The translator’s subjectivity is the dominant factor for it determines translation purpose; the other two factors affect the way “thick” CLWs are translated, with the purpose of providing an understandable cultural explanation for targeted readers.


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How to Cite

Li, Z., & Lü, J. (2021). On the Translation Strategies of Culture-loaded Words Based on Thick Translation: A Case Analysis of The Grand Scribes Records (Selected Chapters) . Communication across Borders: Translation & Interpreting, 1(02). Retrieved from https://jhkpress.com/index.php/cabti/article/view/20


