On C-E Translation Strategies of Corporate Publicizing Video Based on Variational Translation Theory

A Communication Science Perspective


  • Yaxiong Xu 1School of English for International Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies https://orcid.org/0009-0005-9292-9662
  • Jie Lü 1School of English for International Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies


Corporate Publicizing Video, Audio-visual Translation, Communication Science, Variational Translation Theory


Corporate publicizing video has been widely used in international publicity and image building. Against this background, its translation quality becomes increasingly crucial. According to communication science theory, translation quality depends on whether good communication effect can be achieved and corporate image can be built. However, Chinese corporate publicizing video is characteristic of culture-loaded words, novel metaphors and abstract expressions, which seriously interfere with communication effect. To deal with these issues, the author combines communication science and variational translation theory to study the subtitle translation of Chinese corporate publicizing video. It is found that variational translation strategy should be adopted, as a way to adapt to the social and cultural customs of target consumers and reduce communication “noise”, thus enhancing communication effect.


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How to Cite

Xu, Y., & Lü, J. (2023). On C-E Translation Strategies of Corporate Publicizing Video Based on Variational Translation Theory: A Communication Science Perspective. Communication across Borders: Translation & Interpreting, 3(01). Retrieved from https://jhkpress.com/index.php/cabti/article/view/94


