On Translating Introductions of Shameen Attractions Based on Textual Information Types from the Perspective of Communication


  • Xuanying Lu Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
  • Jie Lü Guangdong University of Foreign Studies


tourism translation, Communication, Shameen, Textual Information Types (TIT)


Communication researches how people communicate social information by signals. Since tourism translation is of significance for foreign-oriented publicity, it is reasonable to conduct research on tourism translation from the perspective of Communication. Generally, when translating introductions of tourist attractions, to better meet foreign tourists' expectation of different Textual Information Types that in line with Theme-Oriented Information-Highlighting Principle, it is suggested that translators not only remove redundancy from the source text by strategies like omission and condensation, but also reduce its noise combining amplification, omission, conversion, restructuring and so forth on account of differences between reading habits as well as context of Chinese and Western culture; and particularly, strategies like literal translation, transliteration, free translation, and note, should be applied to translating cultural information according to foreign tourists' expected feedback and feedforward.


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How to Cite

Lu, X., & Lü, J. (2022). On Translating Introductions of Shameen Attractions Based on Textual Information Types from the Perspective of Communication. Communication across Borders: Translation & Interpreting, 2(02). Retrieved from https://jhkpress.com/index.php/cabti/article/view/43


